Your paediatric dentist in 1060 Vienna

Dr. Carina Wick | Kinder Zahnbehandlung

Paediatric dentistry is a matter close to the heart of the paediatric dentist Dr Carina Wick. After all, special attention should be paid to the milk teeth, which become visible around the age of 4 months, and children‘s first permanent teeth. Are you looking for a paediatric dentist in Vienna with plenty of patience and empathy for your child’s dental needs? Make an appointment online now!

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Our dental services for children


Oral hygiene for children in the practice and correct oral hygiene instructions for use at home


Advice on correct nutrition to prevent tooth decay through


Early detection of tooth or jaw misalignments


Fluoridation to strengthen tooth enamel


Therapy of dental trauma (for example resulting from an accident)


Use of silver diamine fluoride to stop tooth decay (under fillings or in cases of severe dental phobia)

Dr. Carina Wick | Kinder Zahnbehandlung

When should my child go to the dentist for the first time?

Your child’s first visit to the dentist can and should take place from the age of 2 years old. The main purpose of this initial visit is for us to get to know each other and for your child to gain a first positive impression of their dentist, the practice and the world of dentistry.

Important: do not wait for the first cavity devils’ to appear before taking your child to the dentist for the first time. Intensive dental treatment during a child’s first visit to the dentist can give them unpleasant memories and, in the worst-case scenario, lead to dental phobia.

It is much more pleasant for everyone involved if your child’s teeth are healthy and in good condition for their first visit to the dentist. This way, your child can get to know our practice and the different stages of a visit to the dentist without any stress and go home with a positive first impression. An appointment for oral hygiene for children is also suitable as an initial dental encounter so that your child can slowly gain confidence.

Health insurance coverage for paediatric dental treatments

At our dental practice in Vienna, we are covered by an SVS and KFA health insurance contract for general dental services and removable braces. For all other health insurance companies, we are a private practice for dental and orthodontic services.

Our practice in Linz is a purely orthodontic practice covered by a health insurance contract for free braces. Dr Victoria Matheis is responsible for paediatric dental treatments in Linz.

Good to know:

  • Amalgam fillings are no longer used for children’s teeth. Instead, health insurance covers the costs of amalgam-free white fillings.

  • For children and adolescents aged from 10 to 18 years old, health insurance covers or subsidises the costs of an annual professional oral hygiene (tooth cleaning) treatment to remove tartar. For children with fixed free braces, this treatment is even covered by health insurance twice a year. Our practice offers oral hygiene treatments for children and adolescents with and without braces. Book your appointment online here. 

  • In the field of orthodontics, different costs and subsidies apply for children depending on the misalignment of the teeth and the tools used. Orthodontic treatments must be approved by health insurance companies in advance based on X-rays, model scans, photographs and special applications. In the case of severe tooth misalignment or malocclusion, there is also the option of free orthodontic treatment under the Austrian free braces programme (only available in the Linz practice).

All you need to know about paediatric dentistry

Prevention is better than cure, and this certainly also applies to the field of paediatric dentistry, in which regular check-ups are essential to monitor the development of the teeth and to start the right dental treatment promptly if necessary. Regular and proper toothbrushing and a healthy diet also play a central role in keeping children's teeth in good condition.

From the very first milk tooth, one essential rule applies: clean your teeth!

At first, parents clean their children’s teeth, but later on, children can take over the job of brushing their teeth themselves. Nevertheless, it is recommended that parents check their children’s teeth after they have brushed them between the ages of 2 and 6 and preferably also brush them again themselves. This way, children can gradually take responsibility for cleaning their own teeth and keeping them healthy and strong.

Tip: As soon as children have mastered joined-up handwriting, they should be able to brush their teeth independently. It is important to preserve milk teeth for as long as possible, as they serve as placeholders for permanent teeth.

Nevertheless, if a child refuses to brush their own teeth, this doesn't mean that they can be left uncleaned. Parents are still ultimately responsible for the condition of their children's milk teeth and, later on, their permanent teeth.

We have summarised further important tips for your child’s dental care, prophylaxis and dental health in our article on oral hygiene for children

Dr. Carina Wick | Brand Flare

Is your child afraid of the dentist?

There’s no need for any child to experience any form of dental phobia.The best thing to do is to take even young children to the dentist with you to familiarise them with the unfamiliar environment and to show them that the dental practice poses no danger. This will help them to gradually let go of their fear and allow the dentist to look in their mouth after just one or two visits. If a child does end up having any cavities, there are several little behavioural guidance tricks that can be used to prepare children for treatment voluntarily and on their own initiative.

If anaesthesia is necessary, the tooth will be ‘put to sleep’ with ‘dream balls’. The use of fantasy language and stories about the ‘cavity devil’ help to put children at ease and make their treatment easier. Afterwards, there is always a small gift as a reward.

Important: It is not recommended to promise children huge rewards (such as expensive gifts or similar) before their first dental treatment. This tends to result in scepticism among children, who then want to know exactly why they have to be so brave at the dentist.

Once children have gained confidence when visiting the dentist, even the most timid of young patients can be treated successfully. In very difficult cases in which children cannot reasonably be expected to undergo treatment under normal conditions (namely in the case of numerous severely damaged teeth), general anaesthesia remains the last resort.

How to prepare your child for their first visit to the dentist

It is important to lower expectations that are too high. If a fearful child is able to open their mouth on their own during their first visit to the dentist, this should be considered a great success. Comments such as “There’s nothing to be afraid of” or “This won't hurt” and the use of terms such as “injection” and “tooth extraction” should be avoided where possible. A child’s first visit to the dentist is always exciting and for some families, it is almost a special occasion. However, we ask that only a small number of family members accompany your child on their first visit to the dentist.

With these positive new impressions, we will lay the foundation for regular visits and for keeping your child’s teeth strong and healthy on a long-term basis. If you have any further questions, please feel free to give us a call or use the option to book an appointment online. Our team is looking forward to meeting you for a consultation.

Harmful childhood habits

The therapy of bad habits such as thumb sucking and tongue thrusting or treatment for tongue malposition can, if detected early, help to avoid possible later malformations. In such cases, working with speech therapists plays an important role, with so-called myofunctional exercises (like muscle training for the tongue and cheek muscles) helping to change the position of the tongue. This can have a positive effect on growth and improve or even prevent misalignments.

Treatment of misalignments in children

If we detect that your child has a tooth or jaw misalignment, a so-called call “bad bite”, we offer a multitude of orthodontic treatment options to correct it. Removable braces or invisible braces can also be used to correct jaw growth.

Frequently asked questions about paediatric dentistry

What is paediatric dentistry?

Paediatric dentistry is a special discipline of dentistry that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dental, oral and maxillofacial (jaw) problems in children and adolescents. It encompasses dental care from infancy through to adolescence and also includes advice on oral hygiene and nutrition.

How often should children see a dentist?

Children should visit the dentist at least once a year. Regular check-ups are important to monitor oral health and to catch and treat dental problems at an early stage.

What does a dentist do for children?

A paediatric dentist performs oral health examinations, treats cavities, provides dental care and fluoridation advice and monitors tooth growth and development. If necessary, fillings, milk tooth extractions and orthodontic consultations are provided.

Up to what age should children visit a paediatric dentist?

A visit to the paediatric dentist is typically recommended until children reach their teenage years. At this age, teenagers and young adults can switch to a general dentist who specialises in adult dentistry. At our practice, we continue to treat all patients, which means that no child has to switch to a new dentist suddenly because of their age.

Why are milk teeth important?

Every milk tooth that is lost too early disrupts the development of the dentition, because these primary teeth are placeholders during jaw growth. It is therefore essential that they are never neglected, despite the fact that they will eventually fall out.

Is tooth decay contagious?

Tooth decay itself is not directly contagious, but the transfer of bacteria that cause tooth decay can occur. Sharing cutlery or kissing can promote the exchange of bacteria.

Is breastfeeding or bottle feeding at night bad for the teeth?

Night-time breastfeeding can increase the risk of tooth decay, especially if a child falls asleep with milk or juice in their mouth. As soon as a baby’s first teeth have broken through (at the age of around 6–9 months), it is recommended to minimise night-time breastfeeding or to only give a child water before going to bed to minimise the development of tooth decay. If you continue to breastfeed at night, it is recommended that you briefly brush your child's teeth again afterwards (with a toothbrush but no toothpaste).

What material is used for children’s fillings?

For children, amalgam-alternative fillings made of plastic (composite) or, more often, glass ionomer cement are used. These materials have the same colour as the teeth and offer good durability.

What is silver diamine fluoride and what is it used for?

Silver diamine fluoride is a dental treatment used to inhibit tooth decay. It is applied to carious areas to stop the progression of tooth decay and to strengthen the tooth, especially in children.

What is MIH?

MIH stands for molar incisor hypomineralisation, a developmental disorder of the teeth. Affected teeth show reduced mineralisation and are more susceptible to cavities and other problems. Early dental check-ups are important to allow for timely intervention. Depending on the severity of the condition, the affected teeth are treated with special pastes or fillings. If the first molars (the “sixes”) are badly damaged, it is recommended that they be removed up to the age of 12 to allow the second molars to break through in their place. In rare cases, orthodontic intervention is also necessary later down the line.

Why do we need fluoride in toothpaste?

Fluoride in toothpaste strengthens enamel, protects against cavities, promotes remineralisation and inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay. It plays a crucial role in oral hygiene for maintaining dental health.

What are the sixes?

The “sixes” are the first permanent teeth in the dental arch. They are also known as six-year molars because they break through at around the age of 6 years old. Due to their position at the back of the mouth, they are often overlooked or not recognised as permanent teeth. As soon as they become visible, it’s time to brush them well!

How long should a child be given a dummy?

You should start to get your child out of the habit of using a dunny by the age of 2–3 years old at the latest to avoid misalignments of the teeth and jaw.

When does thumb sucking stop?

A persistent sucking habit should be quickly eliminated. As with dummies, the earlier children stop sucking their thumb, the better; otherwise it can have a lasting negative effect on the development of the teeth. To eliminate thumb sucking, it sometimes makes sense to switch to a dummy first, since this can be removed more easily.