Orthodontics in Vienna & Linz

Free braces Linz

Prerequisite for receiving the free braces Linz:

Only in the Linz office: KFO contract orthodontic practice since July 2015.

Children under the age of 10 are entitled to a one-time treatment with removable appliances to prevent further malocclusion: the so-called interceptive treatment. This does not guarantee a perfect adjustment of the teeth, but is intended to prevent further misgrowth and, if possible, improve the malocclusion.

Children and adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 receive fixed braces with bonded brackets and wire.

The prerequisite is a malocclusion of the IOTN classification 4 or 5 (in a few cases, malocclusions of grade 1 to 3 continue to receive the proportional cost subsidy of the respective insurance companies after prior examination). For interceptive treatment, subcategories must also be fulfilled in order to be eligible.

Treatment with interceptive or fixed braces

For children under 10 years of age, removable appliances are used, which must be worn for a certain number of hours (at night and a few hours during the day).

Treatment between 12 and 18 years is carried out exclusively with metal brackets, bands, archwires and elastics.

In case of using ceramic brackets, lingual technique, invisible splints, braces are NOT free of charge.

Procedure for receiving the free braces

You make an appointment to clarify whether your child is entitled to the health insurance braces.

We check for the presence of malocclusion according to IOTN 4 or 5. 

An appointment is made for analysis. Documents such as X-rays, photos and digital scans are taken and a treatment plan is drawn up.

The treatment plan is discussed and an appointment is made to start braces.

Start of braces: handover of the appliance during interceptive treatment. Bonding with brackets and insertion of the wire in case of fixed braces. This is followed by oral hygiene instructions and information about what to do in case of minor braces emergencies (see also First aid for braces).

Regular check-ups every 10-12 weeks (or every 6 weeks if necessary) until the braces are successful or the malocclusion is resolved.

Lifelong retention (wearing of transparent night splints) is a prerequisite for stable tooth positions!

Patient cooperation

In case of insufficient oral hygiene, missed appointments or lack of cooperation, the dentist informs the health insurance company. The dentist clarifies the situation with the patient. If there is still no improvement in the patient's cooperation, the treatment will be discontinued and the patient will no longer be eligible for free braces.

For further questions call or use the possibility to book an appointment in the office online. Our team is waiting for you for a consultation!

Article about Dr. Carina Wick

Children and adolescents receive braces free of charge in the case of severe malocclusions. A new contract for free braces was created for this purpose with 180 orthodontists throughout Austria.