
Dental implants

What are dental implants ?

Dental implants are used to replace one or more teeth or entire rows of teeth. This requires a surgical procedure in which the implants are placed in the bone. After a certain healing period, the restoration in the form of a crown, bridge or a whole upper or lower jaw is screwed or cemented onto it.

For more information on the procedure and questions about implant treatment with Dr. Dr. Felix Wick, see here.

Dr. Dr. Felix Wick is responsible for dental implants in our practice in Vienna, and Dr. Rudolf Matheis in our practice in Linz.


When it comes to the quick replacement of a single tooth of an otherwise straight arch, the single tooth implant is the method of choice. This is a titanium screw (other materials such as ceramics are now available) that is screwed into the bone. The prerequisite for this is that the bone has healed well after the extraction of the tooth, and the bone supply is sufficient.

Fixed bridge restoration

The teeth next to the gap are ground down (tooth substance removed) to make room for the cementation of a ceramic or metal-ceramic bridge. If there is not enough bone available for an implant and the effort of bone augmentation is too great for the patient, the last option for fixed dentures is the so-called bridge restoration. For more information see here.

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