Aesthetic dentistry in 1060 Vienna

Smile Makeover: The secret to a radiant smile

A radiant smile truly works wonders: it boosts self-confidence, can improve social relationships and even open up career opportunities. A smile makeover corrects aesthetic irregularities and ensures a harmonious, radiant smile that takes facial features into account. At our group dental practice in 1060 Vienna, our dentist and specialist in orthodontics Dr. Carina Wick focuses on individual treatments tailored to your needs to bring out the best in your teeth and gums. You are welcome to make an appointment online for an initial consultation!

What is a Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is not a single treatment, but a combination of various aesthetic and functional dental treatments. This holistic approach can create a completely new smile that perfectly matches individual facial features and personality traits. Depending on your individual wishes and dental requirements, we carry out the following treatments at our dental practice in 1060 Vienna:

Teeth whitening (bleaching)

Teeth whitening is used to remove discoloration and lighten the natural tooth color. Gentle procedures that do not damage the tooth substance are used for this. Discoloration is often caused by the consumption of coffee, tea or red wine as well as nicotine. Professional bleaching in our Vienna practice reliably removes these residues and ensures bright white teeth that look fresh and healthy.

Dental implants

Missing teeth affect both the appearance and functionality of the dentition. Dental implants replace the tooth root and provide a firm base for crowns, bridges or dentures. They are made of titanium or ceramic and grow firmly into the jawbone, making them a very natural and stable solution. Dental implants not only give you an aesthetic smile, but also improve chewing function and prevent bone loss in the jaw area. Oral surgeon Dr. Dr. Felix Wick is your contact for dental implants in Vienna at our practice.

Orthodontic treatments

Misaligned teeth not only affect aesthetics, but also the health of the teeth, jaw and adjacent muscular structures as well as the temporomandibular joint. Crooked or crowded teeth are more difficult to clean and often lead to tooth decay or periodontitis. Through orthodontic treatments such as invisible braces, we correct misalignments to improve the aesthetics of your smile and at the same time support your long-term dental health.

Gum contouring

An uneven gum line or a so-called “gummy smile”, where too much gum is visible, often disturbs the harmony of the smile. With gum contouring, we adjust the gums aesthetically by removing excess tissue or smoothing out irregular areas. The result is a balanced relationship between teeth and gums that makes your smile appear more harmonious.

Surgical crown lengthening

This technique is performed by oral surgeon Dr. Dr. Felix Wick in our practice to lengthen the teeth towards the gums and thus enable restoration with veneers, a crown or a bridge. Surgical crown lengthening can also be used for so-called gummy smiles.

Advantages of a smile makeover

A smile makeover offers many advantages that go far beyond visual improvement:

  • Aesthetics and function: In addition to a beautiful smile, a smile makeover also improves the functionality of your teeth, for example by using implants or correcting misalignments.
  • Self-confidence: An aesthetically optimized smile gives you more self-confidence in social and professional situations.
  • Dental health: Misaligned or missing teeth can be corrected with a smile makeover, which makes oral hygiene easier and prevents tooth decay and gum disease.

Customization: Each smile makeover is based on a tailor-made treatment plan that is precisely adapted to your aesthetic and health requirements.

The process of a smile makeover

A smile makeover is a multi-step process, with each step based on your needs:

  1. Initial consultation: The first step is a comprehensive examination of your teeth and gums. Together we discuss your wishes and expectations. On this basis, we draw up a detailed treatment plan.
  2. Visualization: Depending on the extent of the desired change, digital visualizations can also be created. If necessary, the new teeth can be provisionally fitted onto existing teeth (so-called mock-up). The dental technician will create an idealized model of your teeth, which we can transfer to your mouth to discuss the expected aesthetics.
  3. Discussion: We will inform you in detail about the necessary treatment steps and the timetable.
  4. Treatment phase: The treatment plan is implemented step by step in the practice. This can range from simple tooth whitening to complex treatments such as implants or orthodontics.
  5. Aftercare: Once the treatment has been completed, regular check-ups ensure that the result remains stable and aesthetically pleasing in the long term.

Why a smile makeover in our practice?

At our joint dental practice in 1060 Vienna, we offer you professional and comprehensive care in the field of aesthetic dentistry. Thanks to the close cooperation between orthodontics (Dr. Carina Wick)and oral surgery (Dr. Dr. Felix Wick), our patients benefit from time-saving and optimized processes. The different treatment focuses complement each other perfectly and lead to lasting results.

Our strengths:

  • Individual consultation: Each patient receives a personalized treatment plan tailored to their aesthetic and health needs.
  • Modern technologies: By using innovative procedures such as our 3D scan, we achieve long-lasting and natural results.
  • Many years of experience: With our expertise in aesthetic dentistry and implantology, we ensure that your smile remains not only beautiful but also healthy.

Arrange your consultation with Dr. Carina Wick

A beautiful smile starts with the right consultation. Make an appointment now for an initial consultation in our practice and find out how a smile makeover can improve your quality of life.

FAQ Smile Makeover

Are smile makeovers and Hollywood smiles the same thing?

A Smile Makeover and a Hollywood Smile are similar concepts, but differ in their aims and the extent of the treatment.

Smile Makeover

A smile makeover is a customized procedure that combines various aesthetic and functional dental treatments to improve the smile. The treatment plan is based on the patient's specific needs and includes measures such as

  • Teeth whitening
  • veneers
  • Correction of misaligned teeth
  • dental implants
  • Gum contouring

The aim of a smile makeover is to make the smile more aesthetically pleasing while optimizing dental health. The treatments are individually adapted to the patient's wishes, which enables a natural result.

Hollywood Smile

The term Hollywood Smile refers to a particularly radiant, flawless and very white smile that many celebrities have. The treatment aims to achieve perfection, which often includes uniform and extremely white teeth. Typically, a Hollywood Smile includes:

  • All-ceramic veneers or Lumineers
  • Teeth whitening to very light shades
  • Symmetrical arrangement of the teeth

In contrast to the smile makeover, the focus is more on a “perfect” and often unnaturally white result that meets the “Hollywood standard”.


  • Smile Makeover: Customized, natural improvement of the smile, individually tailored to the patient.
  • Hollywood Smile: Focus on very white, symmetrical teeth, often with a standardized, “perfect” appearance.

The two terms are often used interchangeably, but the key difference lies in the intensity and aim of the aesthetic changes.

Before vs. After our Smile Makeover

After the Treatment:

Before vs. After our Smile Makeover

After the Treatment: