Aesthetic dentistry in 1060 Vienna



A distinction is made between "in-office" bleaching and so-called "home" bleaching. Before bleaching, it is always advisable to perform oral hygiene. This removes existing plaque that would otherwise interfere with the bleaching result.

In Office Bleaching

The bleaching gel is applied to the teeth at the treatment chair. To protect the gums, they must be specially covered beforehand. After that, a bleaching gel (special hydrogen compound) is applied to the teeth in several sessions of 15 minutes each. The whitening effect occurs immediately after a single application and is repeated 2 to 4 times in the same session (as desired). Basically, you should perform oral hygiene before bleaching so that plaque, tartar, etc. are removed beforehand, as these interfere with the bleaching process.

Teeth whitening at home

Here, impressions are taken and individual splints are made into which the bleaching gel is applied. These splints should then be worn for a few hours a day (about 1 week - preferably at night) to achieve the desired result. This variant has the advantage that the application can be repeated if necessary (after medical consultation). We recommend this variant if In Office Bleaching has already been successfully applied. After that, it is very easy to maintain the obtained tooth color with the bleaching trays.

However, sufficient fluoridation should be observed with both methods to prevent possible sensitization of the teeth.

Endo bleaching

Endo bleaching" is another method of treating root canal-treated teeth, whose grayish color in the front sometimes affects the esthetics to a greater or lesser extent. In this procedure, the bleaching gel is applied into the tooth through a small access point towards the tongue, thus lightening the tooth from the inside. The bleaching gel remains in the tooth for up to 7 days, after which it is either replaced or removed, depending on the desired effect. After bleaching, the access opening is closed again with plastic.

FAQ about bleaching:

Will bleaching harm my teeth ?

No. In general, teeth become a little more sensitive during or after bleaching. However, this is counteracted by suitable protective or fluoridation measures after successful bleaching. This increased sensitivity disappears after a short time. No permanent damage remains.

I have crowns and fillings, will they be bleached as well?

No. They do not change their color. Sometimes this can be an advantage if the crowns or fillings have become too light because your own teeth have discolored over time. Bleaching can thus bring your own teeth back to their old lighter color. If fillings appear too dark afterwards, they will have to be replaced at the earliest two weeks after bleaching.