
Holistic dentistry – Holistic approaches in dentistry


Holistic dentistry is becoming increasingly important. It not only looks at the teeth and oral cavity, but also includes the entire body in the diagnosis and treatment.

In this article, Dr. Carina Wick, a specialist in orthodontics, explains the basis of this approach and why it offers numerous health benefits.

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What is holistic dentistry?

The term “holistic” comes from the Greek and means “whole”. Holistic dentistry assumes that disorders in the oral cavity can affect other organs and systems in the body. At the same time, physical illnesses can cause symptoms in the oral cavity. The aim is to treat the patient holistically and not just to alleviate symptoms.

Basic principles of holistic dentistry

  1. Relationship between oral and general health

  2. Oral health is directly related to chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or autoimmune diseases. Inflammation in the oral cavity, such as periodontitis, can affect the entire body.

  3. Gentle use of materials

  4. In holistic dentistry, great importance is placed on the biocompatibility of the materials used. For example, amalgam is avoided because of the mercury it contains. Instead, materials such as ceramic or plastic-based alternatives are used.

  5. Individual cause research

  6. Instead of treating the symptoms alone, the causes are sought. For example, misalignments in the jaw such as an open bite or chronic inflammation can also be related to other complaints such as headaches or back pain.

  7. Natural and supportive measures

  8. In addition to conventional therapies, naturopathic or complementary methods such as homeopathy, acupuncture or nutritional advice are often used.

Areas of application for holistic dentistry

  1. Treatment of chronic inflammation

  2. Periodontitis or root inflammation are not considered in isolation in a holistic approach, but rather in the context of possible systemic diseases.

  3. Dental materials and allergies

  4. Patients who have an allergic reaction to certain materials or whose bodies are burdened by incompatible substances benefit from a careful selection of the materials used.

  5. Orthodontics and misalignments

  6. Tooth and jaw misalignments can affect posture and the musculoskeletal system. As a specialist in orthodontics, Dr. Carina Wick places particular emphasis on holistic corrections that take these relationships into account.

Advantages of holistic dentistry

  • Individualized therapy: Each treatment is tailored to the patient's personal needs.

  • Sustainability: By treating the causes, long-term results can be achieved.

  • Holistic health: In addition to improving oral health, the well-being of the entire body is enhanced.


Holistic dentistry offers a valuable approach to promoting oral health and general well-being. It is particularly suitable for patients who are looking for comprehensive and sustainable treatment. At our dental practice in 1060 Vienna, my team and I place a high value on taking your individual needs into account and adopting a holistic perspective. Please feel free to make an appointment online to learn more about this approach!

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